About us
SIA Vagonete was founded in 1991.
The Company’s headquarters are in Riga Old Town, 3/5, Jekaba str. № 9.
The Impregnation plant, production workshops and private railway are located in Plavinas, Bebrulejas str. 3b/ Dolomita str. 6 (beside motorway Moscow-Riga, 120 km distance from Riga).
Our clients are both major corporations and small enterprises.
Company’s activities:
- Leasing of own railway cars (timber, splint and fitting platforms, tanks);
- Impregnation with antiseptics (shale oil, creosote oil) and trading of railway sleepers, balk, poles, electricity posts;
- Production and trading of pointed poles;
- Production and trading of premium class pellets;
- Storage and natural drying of timber products on storage area, loading and unloading operations.